
About us

The company Hydroing s.r.o. was established in January 2020 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Our specialized team is made up of former employees of Badger Meter Slovakia s.r.o. with over 20 years of experience in the installation of liquid flow measurements in the water, environment, and various industry sectors. Hydroing s.r.o. is registered by the Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic for the installation and repair of flow measurements with open channel, hot and cold water and liquids except water. In addition to the sale and installation of our products, we represent foreign manufacturers of measuring equipment in Slovakia, such as Badger Meter, Inc. (US), Measuring & Control Equipment “MACE” Co. Pty. Ltd. (Australia), ELIS PILSEN a.s. (Czech Republic), Flowline, Inc. (USA), Dinel s.r.o. (Czech Republic), Fluidwell bv (Netherlands) and more ...
Installation of open channel water and waste water flowmeters
Distributor of Badger Meter brand in Czech Republic and Slovakia
Production of flumes
20 years of experience
Solutions for flow rate measurements in open channels and closed pipes.